It's not all black and white


It's not always black and white - except for the two new products we would like to present to you today ♡ The phone case and the case are now available in a variant with a Valais black-nosed sheepskin.

The skins of the Valais black nose sheep are popular - as long as the wool is long and curly. The skins with short wool are usually discarded. We take advantage of the great properties of short wool and use these skins where they fit wonderfully: As an applique on our phone case, and as cushioning protection in our pouch.

The Valais black-nosed sheep are native to the region of Upper Valais, Switzerland. The frugal animals bear spiral horns, and are characterized in particular by their long white wool, the black spots on the legs and the black coloring on the head.

The wool is what makes the skins of the Valais black-nosed sheep very popular - but only if it is long enough. Unfortunately, skins with short wool remain unused and are usually discarded. Much too bad. We tan the skins in Emmental and use them in our products, where the short wool fits wonderfully.