Our Supply Chains


As a producer of high-quality Swiss sheepskins and organic leather, we are dedicated to the sustainable use of a resource that is typically a by-product of Swiss dairy and meat production. Our journey starts in the Emmental, where we collect the hides and skins from local butchers, preserving them and preventing their incineration. We tan the sheepskins using vegetable extracts in our own tannery and collaborate with a tannery in southern Germany to transform cow and goat skins into beautiful, versatile leather suitable for various applications.

Leather has its origin on farms where animals are raised for meat and milk. Approximately 67% of leather comes from cattle, around 11% each from pigs, goats, and sheep. Unfortunately, nearly half of all hides globally are discarded and burned due to insufficient demand.

In Switzerland, bovine hides are collected and processed into leather in European tanneries, while goat and sheep hides are often discarded. We are committed to using these valuable regional resources.


Discover the Production Process of Our Organic Leather and Skins

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About goats, sheep and cattle

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About the tanning process

Buy organic leather | vegetable tanned | natural leather | Swiss leather

About the conservation and collection of hides and skins

organic leather | vegetable tanned | natural leather | regional | Swiss leather

About the production of leather and sheepskin products