
All hides are sourced from goats raised on small Swiss farms in Emmental, Jura, and Ticino. Switzerland is home to around 80,000 goats, most of which are kept for milk production. They are native to hilly and mountainous regions where the animals are also used to maintain the landscape. Due to an increasing demand for goat milk products, the number of goats has steadily risen in recent years. 

To maintain milk production, the goats have to give birth every year. While some female offspring are kept for milk production, there is no use in particular for the young males. 

For this reason, a considerable number of hides accumulate each year but are never used. Unfortunately, there is no demand for them on the European leather market. But we think it would be a shame to let such a valuable material go to waste. By processing these hides into leather, we are contributing to the meaningful use of available resources.

Learn more about the hides.

Swiss goats white on the green field
Goat skin Switzerland
Goatskins from Switzerland