Natural leather breathes - like our skin


In every moment of life, we leave our traces on the path we tread. Similarly, daily use shapes our leather and gives rise to a captivating patina that tells our unique story.

But why does leather change over time, and what influences its transformation?

Genuine natural leather breathes - just like our skin. It is an organic material that absorbs everything in its surroundings. Raindrops, oily hands, dust, dyes from clothing, sunlight, scratches, and scrapes all recount the adventures and memories that accompanied it. They fade with time. Dents will smooth out, wrinkles will become more pronounced. Lighter leather will darken, gaining strength, while darker leather will acquire a subtle charm. Each day, the leather gains character as it adapts to us and journeys alongside us.

The patina is a symbol of quality, authenticity, and individuality. It bestows uniqueness and personality upon each piece - much like we ourselves are.

So, let us let our leather goods live and love, exposing them to daily life and allowing them to chart their own course. For within all the imperfections and marks of life, the richness of the patina will reveal itself and reward us with a beauty only time can create.